.: SD Sandrock :.

Another weekend .. another rushed kit. Too lazy to redo the panel lines due to hangover.. see the nose thingie.. awts!!  Sandrock got some booger! Maybe next time I'll do some retouch on this kit.

Got this kit from STC for $6. At first Im very hesitant to get this kit for there are lots of   SD's  to choose from. But since this is rare here in Manila, I decided to get it and plan to customize the color. After washing the runners with detergent and running water, I did spent the whole day sanding and sealing seamlines using Tamiya thick cement.

I cant wait to paint this kit, so with extra time last night I did some custom paint on it. Mixed paint here and there, spilled some thinner on our dining table (deym!) and tadaaaaaannnnnn .. another master disaster kit! excuse my shaky hand.. panel lines are bit off... ill fix this next time jejeje!

Heres the pic of the kit after doing some test fit and planning the color combi i'll use.

Here's the rest of the pics...

Fig.1 - Box

Fig.2 - Manual (Front)

Fig.3 - Manual (Full)

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