.: SD MSN-04 Sazabi :.

Date of completion - Oct.18, 2009

 ...  First blood. Noobz. Newbie. Snap built. Slapped some stickers. Handpainted the details. Topcoated with matte Tamiya spray. Grabbed an old Sony digicam for photoshoot. Nothin' special just killing time, forgetting all worries and problems and most of all enjoying the hobby. Bought this kit from Wasabi Toys in Greenhills. Cost around $6. Took a day to finish everything, from cuttin' plastics to sniffin spray paint.  Another addiction in the making. As ive said this is more fun than doing Retail IT. :)

This lit' gundam stands around 5-6 cm tall. pretty small aight but cute. Crimson-red  mono-eyed mecha.

Forgot to take a pic of the kit OOTB, but here are sample pics lifted from dalong.net

Fig.1 - Box

Fig. 2. Manual (Front)

Fig. 3 - Manual (Full)

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