.: Fun Build.. Bankee Caravan :.

BAKUC 2009
(Bandai Action Kit Universal Cup)
GUNDAM Regional Finals
Robinsons Place Manila
November 8, 2009 .. early morning right after the mall opens

First time to attend this caravan and grabbed some flyers and catalog on the said event. Tagged along my friends to the said event, want to try out the much hyped gundam markers! hehehe! Havent used any Gundam Markers except the GM01 (200) for panel lining so I guess this is my chance. After the registration we were given each with an FG EXIA, red/blue markers, gundam special tool (cutter) and a GM01 for doing those panel lines.



Deym, my first time to build a FG so I'm looking for a manual, I'm pullin my hair looking for it  and only to  find out that it's printed on the box itself. No wonder I saw people staring at the box looking strange looks like deciphering some sort of Egyptian codes! Stupid me..


Now the moment of truth, I tested the gundam markers, heck this is so messy! So funny that Im so desperate to try this markers that I tried to paint all those big white parts just to experiment on how the paint react to the plastic not to mention how it the paint looks like on the plastic covering of the table (lolz!) Yeah, I know!! Its a lousy job so thats why I called this version EXIA DUGYOT ver RIE. The gundam markers looks promising.. but hey I'm not used to this and I prefer handbrush! This markers are pretty expensive here in Manila plus very difficult to handle specially on tight spots ... so a big No No for me! Once finished, our kits are displayed in a separate table for judging. Too bad we have to go home and left the building. They said we can go back and have the kits for ourselves around 6pm. Nah I'm too sleepy .. sorry cant wait that long.

Oppps! I hope this markers are water-based or else this blue paints will be permanent on that table top!

my masterpiece! broken vpin plus weathered effect! Shame on me!
(my daughter can color and do much better than this! jejeje!)

Oh btw special thanks to "KUYA" from the Bankee Caravan who assisted us. Thank you for the freebies! Dont blame me, its my first time, newbie, noob to attend such event, Kuya said its all ours "It's all yours!!" Kuya, in behalf of my friends, thank you for the ... 

freebies! freebies! 



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