.: SD Cross Bone Gundam X1 :.

Third installment of my SD addiction. Got this from Special Toy Center Ali-Mall Cubao during one crazy morning. Got this for around $6. My shift was 12midnight till 9am last week. So everyday due to this craziness and addiction I drop by STC since its along my way home.. did some  window shopping and after long-hours of thinking which kit I will get (lol! it only took me about 2 minutes to decide after I saw the SD Cross Bone! hehehe!), I decided I will try my handpainting luck with this so called El Pirata ..  Cross Bone Gundam.

I got home around 11am last Sunday. Ate my lunch and started planning what to do on this kit. Took me hours to mask those tinee-winee parts. Luckily I still have my Tamiya masking tape. I forgot to take a picture of the kit after its plastered with masking tape.. hey its halloween guys! My very own sd mummy-mecha! :)

My brother saw this kit and mentioned something about this collection.. if we will give SD kits as a gift to our nephews or cousins this coming Xmas.They will be very disappointed for sure, they might return the kit back to us and ask for money instead! ehehe!  Curious why? Bandai did a great job on the box art. It is beautifully and artistically done, while the end product looks like this ... WTF?!

Fig. 1 - Snap-built Gundam

Anyways took me around 30 minutes to cut and assemble this kit and another 5 or 6  hours, handpainting the kit and adding panel lines and fine details. I hate enamel.. took so long to dry. I  haven't got any sleep yet so after applying a layer of paint I took a nap (addictus as they say aight!). Finished the kit around 8pm, Im so sleepy so I called it a day. Did apply topcoat (matte) the next day.

Im happy with the result, I did enjoy building this kit... so guys here's the result of my sloppy work ...

Fig. 2 - Box

Fig. 3 - Manual (Front)

Fig. 4 - Manual (Full)

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