TT_Hongli SINANJU Part 1

Everybody I know who are into gunpla are acting crazy when the news came out that theres a TT Hongli Sinanju coming out... woos and boos ...  mixed reaction and emotions.. from curses/hate/flame from bandai fan boys to giggles and naughty smiles of those gundam fan bois.

I dont care what those bandai fan bois blabber about .. issue about legality, quality etc. I enjoy the hobby regardless of what brand it is, if this turns bad, incomparable with the bandai kit I dont care.  I enjoy the challenge but if I can build this kit as close as possible to those they have built .. then the last laugh is on me.

Going back to the topic, got this for around $29 from our source who imports these kits. Its been a very busy week so I may have to break this topic into 2 or 3 part.. depends if I have spare time.

Enough of wasting time .. lets begin..

Fig.1. Box 

Fig.2 - Manual 

Fig.3. Runners


The first thing after washing all the runners is paint the emblem and pipings with gold. Not much excited at first with the  design of the skeleton or the overall design of the kit.  I just wanna paint some details, my hands are begging me to start the details first rather than building the whole thing. Kinda messy paint but I'll gonna retouch this later once I've snap built this kit. Kudos to my daughter's Play-Doh and toy plate I have my instant stand. jejeje!

Been handpainting  the details for two straight nights already (that was last Saturday and Sunday). And after those painstaking hours, I managed to build the head and bust. So far Im loving how they design the Sinanju.. one bad-ass looking mech.

Another night have passed and I was able to build both arms and shoulder of the famed Sinanju. Pardon all for my excitement it overcome everything and I forgot to take separate pic of the arms and shoulder armor . All I can say is "tt_hongli... your gonna break a lot of heart!!!" jejeje!

Well I gotta stop bloggin on this part and start building the rest of the Sinanju. For all those people who requested for a review or something about this talk of the town mech from TT_Hongli ... keep in touch .. I can feel you guys... hahhahah! I'll hurry up and build this baby!! And for those bandai fan bois... "your heart will surely gonna break when I'm done with this baby!!!"


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