TT_Hongli SINANJU Part 2

My schedule for these past week was so tight that I barely squeeze some quality time with my this 'nanju. Retail IT is so damn demanding.. Deym Black Friday! I hate that time of the year.

After painstaking hours of snap building the kit, heres what I've finished so far...

Those legs are killer! Supa-detailed and nicely designed kit.. Im hurrying up to finish everything to see the end result even if this is just snap-built.

Shield.  Im too eager to lay-out initial coating of gold paint to the face plate of the shield. Looks promising but needed a lot more attention to get this done. Messy .. messy paint job. Need to retouch this sooner or later.

Lower body. Finished. Was able to squeze time to  paint all the beads for the waist part. This part make me wish Im doing an SD kit. SD have fewer parts to fix and paint. Hey, what am i talking about.. I chose to get this kit so its better to stop complaining and just do whatever needed to completely build it.

Tried building the whole shield for I wanna see the overall design. Not bad .. juz needed a couple more coating for the  gold part and retouch and it should be fine.

Backpack. Damn another intricate part. By the look of it, i have to spend couple of hours or days finishing this up.

While waiting for painted parts to dry, I decided to make my own version of the Sinanju Action Stand. Laziness kicks in again, so I tried applying red paint on the action stand and realized that the background color is soo dark that I may have a hard time painting it red. Since my time is very limited, I used Tamiya Liquid Surfacer and begin handpainting the whole kit. Another messy stuff eh..

Sorry guys too sleepy to finish up the whole kit, so I'll post the next set of pictures on the next part of this review/wip.


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