My hauls and pending kits this 2009! Hoping that I can finish all this in 2010! jejeje! 

Merry Xmas to all of us and more kits to come this coming New Year!!!

Si-Ninja Ver Rie

After working for couple of weeks I finally finished this kit.  Im deym sooo lazy due to the fact that I got lots of work this days, so its all snap-built, put some gold paints, some decals here and there then sprayed some topcoat to protect those nasty decals. Here you go folks ..  coined from Teddy's comment .... I present to you ...                              

                                                   "Si-Ninja Ver Rie"

TT_Hongli SINANJU Part 3

Its Saturday at long last. No work and I can concentrate on my pending 'Nanju. I dont know whats into me but instead of finishing the whole 'nanju thingie, I worked and finished the 'nanju action base. Used some water slides that came with the Hongli kit to add details and variation. Looks awkward.. jejeje!

Test fit with a pair of long monster legs.. looks cool. I hope everything I planned fall into place for this kit. Crossing my fingers.. hopin it will look nice and presentable. :)

Ahhh.. I havent even started all the weapons that came with the Nanju, here I am with another plan. How about I'll give Sinanju a cool looking katana?... who will be the poor kit on my stash that will donate his katana. I remembered I got an extra katana from an Astray Green-Frame, actually its a freebie again from Jon "d Spy Killa" when I acquire his Blue Frame. Here we go.. initial coating..

While dealing with bloody red paint. I did also managed to paint 'Nanju's gun and also those watchamacallit ..tomahawks?  Anyways heres the result..

Next stop... decals, finishing touches on the paints and maybe .. maybe spraying some matte topcoat (I ran out of matte aircans thats why. No time to get one. hehehe) Next time .. next time...

TT_Hongli SINANJU Part 2

My schedule for these past week was so tight that I barely squeeze some quality time with my this 'nanju. Retail IT is so damn demanding.. Deym Black Friday! I hate that time of the year.

After painstaking hours of snap building the kit, heres what I've finished so far...

Those legs are killer! Supa-detailed and nicely designed kit.. Im hurrying up to finish everything to see the end result even if this is just snap-built.

Shield.  Im too eager to lay-out initial coating of gold paint to the face plate of the shield. Looks promising but needed a lot more attention to get this done. Messy .. messy paint job. Need to retouch this sooner or later.

Lower body. Finished. Was able to squeze time to  paint all the beads for the waist part. This part make me wish Im doing an SD kit. SD have fewer parts to fix and paint. Hey, what am i talking about.. I chose to get this kit so its better to stop complaining and just do whatever needed to completely build it.

Tried building the whole shield for I wanna see the overall design. Not bad .. juz needed a couple more coating for the  gold part and retouch and it should be fine.

Backpack. Damn another intricate part. By the look of it, i have to spend couple of hours or days finishing this up.

While waiting for painted parts to dry, I decided to make my own version of the Sinanju Action Stand. Laziness kicks in again, so I tried applying red paint on the action stand and realized that the background color is soo dark that I may have a hard time painting it red. Since my time is very limited, I used Tamiya Liquid Surfacer and begin handpainting the whole kit. Another messy stuff eh..

Sorry guys too sleepy to finish up the whole kit, so I'll post the next set of pictures on the next part of this review/wip.

TT_Hongli SINANJU Part 1

Everybody I know who are into gunpla are acting crazy when the news came out that theres a TT Hongli Sinanju coming out... woos and boos ...  mixed reaction and emotions.. from curses/hate/flame from bandai fan boys to giggles and naughty smiles of those gundam fan bois.

I dont care what those bandai fan bois blabber about .. issue about legality, quality etc. I enjoy the hobby regardless of what brand it is, if this turns bad, incomparable with the bandai kit I dont care.  I enjoy the challenge but if I can build this kit as close as possible to those they have built .. then the last laugh is on me.

Going back to the topic, got this for around $29 from our source who imports these kits. Its been a very busy week so I may have to break this topic into 2 or 3 part.. depends if I have spare time.

Enough of wasting time .. lets begin..

Fig.1. Box 

Fig.2 - Manual 

Fig.3. Runners


The first thing after washing all the runners is paint the emblem and pipings with gold. Not much excited at first with the  design of the skeleton or the overall design of the kit.  I just wanna paint some details, my hands are begging me to start the details first rather than building the whole thing. Kinda messy paint but I'll gonna retouch this later once I've snap built this kit. Kudos to my daughter's Play-Doh and toy plate I have my instant stand. jejeje!

Been handpainting  the details for two straight nights already (that was last Saturday and Sunday). And after those painstaking hours, I managed to build the head and bust. So far Im loving how they design the Sinanju.. one bad-ass looking mech.

Another night have passed and I was able to build both arms and shoulder of the famed Sinanju. Pardon all for my excitement it overcome everything and I forgot to take separate pic of the arms and shoulder armor . All I can say is "tt_hongli... your gonna break a lot of heart!!!" jejeje!

Well I gotta stop bloggin on this part and start building the rest of the Sinanju. For all those people who requested for a review or something about this talk of the town mech from TT_Hongli ... keep in touch .. I can feel you guys... hahhahah! I'll hurry up and build this baby!! And for those bandai fan bois... "your heart will surely gonna break when I'm done with this baby!!!"

TT_Hongli Si Ma Yi

Curiosity kills the cat. ehem. Got this kit out of curiosity. Been wondering how intricate the details on these line of series. My friend Jon "d spy killa" offered a trade for my 1/144 Wing Zero Custom with an Edward Elric fig (FullMetal Alchemist) plus extras. He included a Hongli Si Ma Yi. Yes its not Bandai, its TT_Hongli. Got excited for I can experiment and do what I want without regretting since this is a Hongli kit and it cost only 1/3 of the SRP of Bandai. Sacrificial lamb as I called it for the master of disaster will lay down the brush punishment to this poor kit. jejeje!

I want to build and paint this as close as the Bandai kit so I spent whole day planning what to do and how will I execute to get this one done. Enjoyed this kit so much that It took me hours and hours from preparation to painting. Even forgot to take a pic after I snap built it. jejeje! Hongli plastic is good and they fit well but nothing beats the orig of course. The stickers suck so I only used the one for the eye and discarded the rest. 

As usual, I want my SD's to look similiar with the box art as much as possible, so guys here's another "master disaster" kit  .. my first TT_Hongli painted kit....enjoy! 

Photo Gallery :
This is what the box looks like. Kewl aight! Another plus factor aside from it only cost $1.60, around 1/3 of the price of  Bandai kit, it came with a stand. Pretty neat! An action base is included and is tailored fit for this kit. 

Here's what the finished product looks like .. as Ive said the another victim.. another master disaster kit :) 

.: Display Case by Trumpeter :.

Been to STC again to look for some SD's. Instead of getting a kit, I got myself some display case by Trumpeter. Its on sale, buy 1 take 1 for $10. Heck, I cant let this opportunity pass!