Hongli 1/100 MG MS-06R-2 Zaku II Johnny Ridden Custom Ver. 2.0

Finally got myself the Hongli J. Riddens Zaku. Got this for 19USD. Hongli kits are getting better and better every release except for the Unicorn Titanium which is a mess.. big time! :)

After 2 weeks of building this kit all I can say is .. not bad. No loose joints or any problem encountered except for those lousy stickers / decals.

Able to paint the giant bazooka but too tired and too lazy to paint the other weapons so I did some dry brushing on the zaku machine gun and the heat hawk.. turns out fine 'err a mess hehehe!

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DX Hobby Rocket Bazooka for Sinanju

This is a knockoff version of the uber expensive bazooka for Sinanju. To give you an idea the original bazooka sold here in our place cost from $29.99 to $40 USD and the package contains a novel (which is in Japanese) and a single bazooka. Its  way too much for an average Joe considering its only a weapon. Tax importation or its just there are lots of greedy businessman here taking advantage of gunpla hobbyist? Just my two-cents worth.. :)

I got my rocket bazooka for $10 USD. It doesn't have the Japanese novel.. which I don't care I don't know Kanji, Katakana or Hiragana but the good part is that instead of one, it comes with two ... yes my friend you heard it right... TWO bad-ass weapon system. So that makes it $5 USD per piece .. not bad! 


Manual (Front)

Manual (Back)


No major problem encountered building this weapon. Fit perfectly. The only problem encountered is the gray color .. too dull. So I hand painted it with Tamiya Flat Black to make it more presentable. 

Here's the final result .. Rocket Bazooka mounted on the Sinanju gun. The second bazooka on the shield together with the UC Unicorn's gatling gun. Yes, my dear the gatling gun is also a knockoff. :)

Bazookas !!!


I'm sooo in a hurry so I did mount those massive weapons on my Sinanju (surprise.. also a knockoff) and manage to take a couple of shots.. I'm dying to get more action poses with the Sinanju but I'm in a hurry , for I need to go somewhere else and I'm late!!   Next time Sinanju.. next time...



This kit was acquired last December of 2009 from a friend. I cant remember exactly how much I got this (..for I bought a lot of SD back then ..jejeje), but as far as I can remember I got this for around $15.

Overall I love this kit! Specially the Acguy! This SDs are "mini mono-eyed monsta's"!!!  Im too lazy to do some review on these due to hectic schedule so let these pictures speak for themselves... 

Box Art 

Box (Side 1)

Box (Side 2)

Box (Side 3)

Box (Side)


Front Manual



3 in 1 mono-eyed monsta

Acguy (front)

Acguy (side)

Acguy (back)

Gogg (front)

Gogg (side)


Zock (front)

Zock (side)

Zock (back)

gasmask vs gaskmask???


lets get it on!!

SD AMX-002 (AMA-X2) Neue Ziel

Finally Im able to finish painting one kit to start the year right. Minor problems encountered .. lost a claw, broke a peg for the back-skirt  plus broken beam saber! What else can I ask for?! Deym!

Got this kit from Ebay must have been my lucky day since these kit is hard to find here in our place. Cost me around $10, shipping included. Hopefully with this kit I can find and gather enough will, determination and of course and time to finish all my pending kits.

Fig.1 - Box

Fig.2 - Manual (Front)

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